Created by the Ministry of Tourism, the Tourism & Handicap label is a quality mark aimed at customers with disabilities, the objective being to guarantee them maximum autonomy in a safe environment.

The label provides reliable, homogeneous and objective information on the accessibility of vacation and leisure places visualized by four pictograms according to disability (motor, mental, auditory and visual). It is an additional comfort for all clienteles, the tourist offer being really open to all.

The Tourist Office has the Tourism & Handicap label

Obtaining the label for our OT: 2018 (valid until 2023)
NB: There are four impairments: motor, mental, hearing and visual
We are committed to :

  • Train and educate our staff about different disabilities
  • Offer all our visitors the same quality of service, by offering them brochures adapted to their disability
  • Make the Tourist Office and its shop accessible to all
    Offer an adapted guided tour service
  • To be able to communicate with hearing-impaired people in French Sign Language (a trained staff member) ...


Monique GIBERT
Phone. : 05 61 99 44 16